Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day one

Summer Camp day one

· The main issue was time. The taken by children to do each activity took them double the time that was allotted to them. There were few reasons for it:

1) All of them spent a lot of time drawing margins, erasing again and again unless it was superbly neat.

2) Some struggled with thinking more than the others, and they saw everybody’s visual and made their own combining different elements from other visuals.

3) They did not consider the time factor at all, even if the work was not done on time it seemed ok for some.

4) They expressed better with words.

5) It was difficult to work with a big group of 19 children.

6) Most of them concentrated on making the box correctly rather than on showing the emotions. When asked what was more important to do-to make box correctly of the three emotions, all of them said emotions but only 2-3 of them actually concentrated on the three words (hide, conceal, reveal). So the visuals did not turn out that powerful.


· I found myself struggling with breaking the monotony of discussions.

· I found it difficult to handle 19 children at the same time

· Level of thinking and way of working varied which is very much acceptable, sometimes it got confusing who understands how much and who is just listening to others and making up his/her emotions based on others emotions.

· Communication is a problem.

· May be I should have given them already made boxes so that they had just done visuals??


· To avoid them so much time spending on drawing margins and erasing, lets make some rules:

1) No use of erasers, pencils and rulers

2) Only water colors can be used, no other kind of colors.

· Divide them in groups of 5 and give each group their own materials so that they are not all over the place.

· Before they start work, ask them what is it that is important in the activity to do. Keep asking them, reminding them while they are working.

· Tell them to discuss their work in their own groups so that it becomes a little easier for some people who struggle with thinking.

· Then make them discuss with other groups so that there is sharing of information and give everyone a chance to talk.

· Encourage them by saying “its good” so that they feel confident and they feel good about working.

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